The alarm rings .. Its 7 A.M P.S.T .. After performing all morning duties, my walk to the Fremont station starts. The target..Catching 8.36 A.M train.. "Train to San Francisco Daly city in 3 minute" said the station announcement system. Myself and my roommate walked fast towards the Fremont station. After pushing in and getting out our train tickets , we went ahead and caught the escalator. Huh at last caught you.. We are in the BART, the train system that is the heart of bay area.
In US traveling in train itself is a great experience. They maintain punctuality like anything. People follow queue in boarding a train. The seats, automatic gates, the cleanliness its all in place.
They announce before every station arrives. They tell when the gate gets opened. They announce where and how to reach nearest airport from the station. They announce delays if at all something is there. They announce the destination every time the gate opens and people board the train.
After getting a comfortable seat , I looked around and observed people. (he he.. I cannot put more decent than this). You get to see variety of people in the train. Old people, young people, kids. Asian,American, Afro American, Mexican. My observation goes into analyzing various men and women from various countries. Generally the analysis will be far inclined towards the opposite sex.
Be it American, Be it Mexican, Be it Chinese, Be it Indian , all young girls put the makeup in train. Initially when they board the train they look pretty normal. They open a bag and put eyeliner, lipstick. For eyelids they do 4 to 5 set of coating. Even for our house wall I think we did 2 coating only :)
After putting the coating they press the eyelids with some tool. Its like pressing our clothes. Pressing the eyelids :) After that lipstick. After that use some brush to put powder in cheek.That's it. All set to go to office.
Beyond this observation, see how people from various country behave. Even after seeing all these I get bored and doze off in the 5th station. 5 stations to Embarcadero, my destination.
Embarcadero station . I am out.
hahaha... females do all sorts of things in train.. in Bombay suburban trains.. ladies cut vegetables on their journey back home frm office.. ;-)
lolzz.. i wonder wat is the makeup budget for these 'high class trendy' ladies :P
Budget you have to ask their husbands/bfs ;)
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