How to make friends? Lots of things written about it but I have never read any one of them. But what is the algorithm I follow to make stranger as my friend.This is purely my personal experience.
Smile Nothing works in life except the smile. Whenever you are trying to make friend with a stranger start with a smile. If you get a smile from the other end then you are all set
Hello Next thing you have to do is wish them by saying Hi/Hello. Then slowly ask them How are you doing today?
Location Then slowly ask from which place of India you are from. If he/she is from your place then it will be really great. You can discuss more things. If not then you can tell about your place and he/she can tell about his/her place.
Industry If he/she is working in the same industry as yours. You can discuss about their area of expertise, their technology,domain.
Interests Then slowly you can ask his/her interests. Be it music,film,books,food. Discuss about each and everything
Networking If he/she is from IT industry then you can ask his/her mail id to stay in touch.You can slowly build the network by getting to know his/her friend. Meet them when they are going out with their friend. You get to know many people
Communicating Emailing is the best way of communication. Get his/her mail id start mailing from the next day that you meet. Add them in your address book. Send "Good Morning" mails.Send forwards.
A step ahead If you want to move a step ahead of just friendship i.e Love, start sending mails addressing the individual. Go ahead and spend the whole day mailing.After few days add the person in messenger. Talk the whole day.Get the mobile number of that person and spend your life over phone.
Stay in touch Last but not least you have to stay in touch with that person.Once in a while contact the person through chat/mail and extend your wishes. Use some social networking site and add the person so that you always be in touch with that person.