Monday, July 02, 2007

Weekends at ECity

Electronic items need Electricity. But Electronic city doesn't need. May be the Bangalore Electricity board thinks in this direction.Being at Electronic city for almost 1.5 years. The weekends have always been pathetic. No power. You will be forced to come to office on both Saturday and Sunday.
Weekends for me starts at around 10 on Saturday. At around 10.30 get a "Good Day" biscuit come to the seat. Take coffee from 3rd floor. Dip the biscuit in coffee and empty the packet. At around 12.15 , 12.30 have lunch at the nearby food court. Come back and continue working . By Working I mean listening to songs, browsing,chatting,playing stick cricket,watching some comedy video in you tube.
At around 3.30 go to 3rd floor and have one coffee. Of course no body to give company :( Then come back to desk and continue working :)
At around 6 (that's the time power will be back at room ) go back to room . Watch some crap movie (Sun TV of course) have dinner at mess nearby and go to sleep.
Copy paste the same thing for Sunday. Except lunch will be at Iyer Mess.
Iyer Mess,aaaaaaah that's one place I need to mention in Electronics City which is worth visiting apart from the office.
Iyer Mess around 2 years back use to serve fantastic "Tamil Brahmin" variety food. The sambhar,kara kozhambu,rasam, poriyal, kootu poriyal, appalam , curd are of quality which comes close to "Home" food. All for 18 Rupees.
But these days Iyer Mess has lost its charm. The quality of all the items are not up to the mark. Apart from that there will be 100's of fly giving company to you when you are having lunch.
Sunday nights will always be dull after tiresome weekend .
The only advantage of being at Electronic City is you will never get "Monday Morning Blues" :) All days are Working days for us.


CVR said...

thats a waste!! :-(

see if you can use the time some how.
go to some place,join some club of your interest.

Join some music class or dance class or somthing!! :-)

Manivannan said...

Thanks CVR :)
Thats a good idea .

Ashwath said...

I agree 1000% with u. E-City should been named Non-Electric village!

1 good thing in E-city is Iyer Mess(a boon for pure veg Tam-brams like us). Iyer mess was my only saviour b4 i started cooking..hehehe...

I have developed Allergy to dust which is all over the place in this great E-City! :-(

My only releif is my bike :D

Manivannan said...

Ashwath, Valid point.E-city is not that peaceful that clean as it was couple of years ago.
A small walk to office, flexible time ,Iyer Mess are the boons.
Lots of banes :)